Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Checklist of Tribeca Franklin Doom

But please before you tell your story Lets do
The Checklist of Tribeca Franklin Doom
Does this sound familiar to you. Let me guess. Check yes or if maybe as well .

1- 0You were in Foreclosure, or about to be, and Tribeca/Franklin angels came to save you from Foreclosure. Foreclosure Bailout experts.
2- 0 Further you likely heard some variance of this special savior able to be experts in Foreclosure
3- 0 You most likely find out that they were honest about being foreclosure experts ? Experts all right, experts in delaying your foreclosure and kicking down the road just far enough to be true to there expertise in the foreclosure of your home?
4- 0Did you unfortunately let on to them that you were relying on a cash out on top of the loan to remedy the situations that you relied on as the only logical way that you had felt would make this refinance succeed. Because if you did , then those sharks smelled blood!!
5- 0 Let me guess….They didn’t t give you any early paper work of just what the deal was but did assure you that everything would be just fine
6- 0 Did they leave your income blank? Or show up at the closing with some ungodly impossible amount of income that you impossibly did not make ?
7- 0 Did you happen to notice that the interest I ve heard thought quite as low in my case of 6% but then in fact to be something much higher12.99% ?
8- 0in my situation was stalled for months until the refi deal approached a period that within 3 days of a pre-existing scheduled auction of my house.
9- 0Surely most all that cash out they promised ended up going to anyplace they could find, being fees or paying third parties as required for the refi eventually leaving you stunned at the cash-out turning into fees ?
10- 0 Oh yes at least in my case was told that it had to be a mistake and that they d work on it to try to get me the cash back they promised?
11- 0 Did you receive an application at the close that seemed unrecognizable? I did?
12- 0 Were you made aware of the very likely event that your loan may have fallen into the category of unenforceable as the fees and costs may have been way above the limits of laws
13- 0 Did you find it curious that you were charged for an appraisal that you already paid?
14- 0I bet you wondered if insurance that they took out of the proceedings might not have been paid?
15- 0 Did you call the helpful service representatives at Franklin Credit to discuss these mistakes.
16- 0 Did they offer one bit of help?
17- 0Except maybe you should consider Bankruptcy court. Or a short sale to them?
18- 0 Did you end up filing bankruptcy
19- 0 Did you loose your home? 20.- 0Or are you about to loose your Home?

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