Thursday, January 17, 2008
Dear , all folks that Tribeca Lending Corp may have damaged
All the good folks that Tribeca Lending Corp may have damaged. Urgently I need to say is that while you may think you are safe that Tribeca Lending Corp. has suspended operations, is that you need to know that Tribeca is not the real party of interest. It seems unnoticed that Tribeca is merely the wholly owned subsidiary that originated loans for Franklin Credit Management. For those that think that Tribeca Lending Corp is no longer revelant is that your loan or my loan( to try to stay truthful) is still potentially afflicted and attached by the true puppet master Franklin Credit Management.
A rose by any other name is still a rose. Some of you might be more comfortable relating more to the idea of a weed by any other name to be called Franklin Credit Management Corp. The wording without zero spin from Franklin Credit is that 'We Originate our Loans primarily through Tribeca Lending Corp ." Look it up on FCMC S.E.C. filing.
For clarity and consistency , Implode really needs to list FCMC as one of the next ailing entities or lenders.
Please at first response, many of you will quickly point out that FCMC is a (seemingly neutral party) servicer of non performing or re performing loans. But this is not accurate. Even according to FCMC own SEC words, Tribeca Lending only in name is the Lender, and only in name or legal partitioning is the name on 33,000 separate mortgages. But remember FCMC words that "We" and I Repeat "We" originate our Loans through Tribeca Lending Corp.
Further evidenced by the recent Huntington Bank merger with Sky Bank whom has been accused of sadly understating the almost complete Subprime dangers of Franklin Credit. All of Tribeca's assets basically have a lean or attachment as well as Franklin Credit of all there Loans.
Franklin credits directive per "Huntington Bank" is for FCMC to concentrate on enforcing (servicing) the assets of there portfolio. Franklin and Tribeca presently need permission to Originate Loans.
Another words FCMC is a bit different than a Servicer. They are basically functioning in the sole capacity to enforce all the assets that either FCMC or Tribeca or Tribeca XV12006 or any and all the multi pages of fully owned subsidiaries for collection and enforcement.
Ml Implode has been remarkably wide reaching in covering just about every known Sub prime Lender out there. But Franklin Credit Management has gone unnoticed. But to sidebar just how much of an influence Tribeca/FCMC have made on the citizenry of the USA is to do a quick search of Bankruptcy Filings. For a company with only an earlier net worth of 1.5 billion dollars they have managed to have a presently running list of 3000 bankruptcy filings. This amount does not represent the active numbers but rather the total filings of just the last 18 months. Talk about Sub prime baby, then they have made there mark !!
The significance of FCMC going unnoticed, isn't even my point. The significance of FCMC in this example is that while over 200 companies have been named as imploded ,is that Franklin Credit Management goes unnamed and even more significantly has survived. Survived even past Countrywide.
FCMC is by far a unique non breathing animal. With attributes beyond the present destruction of all Sub prime Lenders. As if last surviver of total thermal Nuclear war. The nuclear equivalent of the cockroach (at least in theory) that survives.
Franklin Credit, this rare Cockroach like, Alien survivalist , Mortgage Enforcing Terminator force that for the moment has not fallen. They are something beyond say just simple Loan servicer. They started 17 years ago with the sole predatory purpose with great success at buying up loans gone bad from the FDIC ,savings and Loan crisis. So for them mortgages on simpleton home consumers is way small time game kill for them. There abilities and self evident success at acquiring undervalued assets is the equivalent of shoot to kill rabbits !!
I reserve moral judgment here because this company in all fairness makes no moral claim as being an addition to the community. Rather recognize the pure Darwinist's survival mode of its operation. It only stands to enforce , modify or foreclose and take the assets of its subjects.
FCMC does not pretend to even bother recognizing the concept of people, or homes.
FCMC is way beyond that. FCMC operates in a spectrum that is not im-moral. Rather they are simply a-moral. A truly depraved entity that only survives to take, and kill all that is around them.
Implode needs to list them .They are ailing. They somehow convinced Huntington Bank to put there brain dead inhumane existence on a feeding tube of money for now to continue what appears to be there sole purpose to terminate, litigate, and gobble all that they can before they perish. Eventually into there own soleness , worthless ultimate destiny of the void they reside in.The final end for all corrupted entities being simply called in valid. Not to have lived so therefore not died but rather simply VOIDED out Terminated or, ultimately deleted.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Tribeca Lending and I still do not know my Refi deal
Tribeca Lending Corp- Franklin Credit - My story alleged as not proven yet in court
-Now I am going to shock you with horror. Not only do I own my own 3 -4 family home but my job for 5 years now has been that of a loan officer. Can you imagine the shame I feel at being tricked(alleged) like this. Because as I have tried on numerous occasions to write several letters and several complaints to both the companies and regulatory bodies. The answers I received from there attornies continually deny any wrondoing.. One answer is I should of known better.
Which if I had actually gotton all of the proper facts in a proper way in timely advance maybe i would of known the deal. If I had gotton the cash-out that i required as part of the deal to fix up my main sewer drain including bathrooms i could of properly rented it out.
In fact I was lead to believe of a deal but the deal that I should of known in the end never happened.
Here is something that probably is unique. And still even as a loan officer, is I still do not know the deal. I have two completely different Closing statements. My lawyer found a third closing statement. Payments were made on the Final Closing Statement are completely different . In some cases I called up the third party which attorneys for FCMC or Tribeca claimed to have been paid and then I have found that certain third parties were never paid .
I have been given pieces of 3 different incomplete even I allege fraudulent Applications. Further not one of the ones that reflect something that I was counting.
Further then its a fair assumption that certain parties or affiliates with Franklin credit or Tribeca have kept for themselves money that they took from my equity and kept
So yeah ,
Tell us your story, I guarantee with your knowledge that I am a loan officer you couldn’t possible feel as tricked and embarrassed as I do !! Furthermore now after dozens of letters and complaints To Banking Division , I am now in Bankruptcy court. But it turns out I am not doomed to Bankruptcy court and have found that in challenging them that they have to show some answers !! But the truth is we all could most likely succeed in some way if we were allowed to share our stories to a judge as a group. So that’s my story.. What’s yours?
Submit, come one come all. !!!!!
Tell your Story about Tribeca and Franklin Credit Management.
The Checklist of Tribeca Franklin Doom
The Checklist of Tribeca Franklin Doom
Does this sound familiar to you. Let me guess. Check yes or if maybe as well .
1- 0You were in Foreclosure, or about to be, and Tribeca/Franklin angels came to save you from Foreclosure. Foreclosure Bailout experts.
2- 0 Further you likely heard some variance of this special savior able to be experts in Foreclosure
3- 0 You most likely find out that they were honest about being foreclosure experts ? Experts all right, experts in delaying your foreclosure and kicking down the road just far enough to be true to there expertise in the foreclosure of your home?
4- 0Did you unfortunately let on to them that you were relying on a cash out on top of the loan to remedy the situations that you relied on as the only logical way that you had felt would make this refinance succeed. Because if you did , then those sharks smelled blood!!
5- 0 Let me guess….They didn’t t give you any early paper work of just what the deal was but did assure you that everything would be just fine
6- 0 Did they leave your income blank? Or show up at the closing with some ungodly impossible amount of income that you impossibly did not make ?
7- 0 Did you happen to notice that the interest I ve heard thought quite as low in my case of 6% but then in fact to be something much higher12.99% ?
8- 0in my situation was stalled for months until the refi deal approached a period that within 3 days of a pre-existing scheduled auction of my house.
9- 0Surely most all that cash out they promised ended up going to anyplace they could find, being fees or paying third parties as required for the refi eventually leaving you stunned at the cash-out turning into fees ?
10- 0 Oh yes at least in my case was told that it had to be a mistake and that they d work on it to try to get me the cash back they promised?
11- 0 Did you receive an application at the close that seemed unrecognizable? I did?
12- 0 Were you made aware of the very likely event that your loan may have fallen into the category of unenforceable as the fees and costs may have been way above the limits of laws
13- 0 Did you find it curious that you were charged for an appraisal that you already paid?
14- 0I bet you wondered if insurance that they took out of the proceedings might not have been paid?
15- 0 Did you call the helpful service representatives at Franklin Credit to discuss these mistakes.
16- 0 Did they offer one bit of help?
17- 0Except maybe you should consider Bankruptcy court. Or a short sale to them?
18- 0 Did you end up filing bankruptcy
19- 0 Did you loose your home? 20.- 0Or are you about to loose your Home?