Tribeca Lending Corp- Franklin Credit - My story alleged as not proven yet in court
-Now I am going to shock you with horror. Not only do I own my own 3 -4 family home but my job for 5 years now has been that of a loan officer. Can you imagine the shame I feel at being tricked(alleged) like this. Because as I have tried on numerous occasions to write several letters and several complaints to both the companies and regulatory bodies. The answers I received from there attornies continually deny any wrondoing.. One answer is I should of known better.
Which if I had actually gotton all of the proper facts in a proper way in timely advance maybe i would of known the deal. If I had gotton the cash-out that i required as part of the deal to fix up my main sewer drain including bathrooms i could of properly rented it out.
In fact I was lead to believe of a deal but the deal that I should of known in the end never happened.
Here is something that probably is unique. And still even as a loan officer, is I still do not know the deal. I have two completely different Closing statements. My lawyer found a third closing statement. Payments were made on the Final Closing Statement are completely different . In some cases I called up the third party which attorneys for FCMC or Tribeca claimed to have been paid and then I have found that certain third parties were never paid .
I have been given pieces of 3 different incomplete even I allege fraudulent Applications. Further not one of the ones that reflect something that I was counting.
Further then its a fair assumption that certain parties or affiliates with Franklin credit or Tribeca have kept for themselves money that they took from my equity and kept
So yeah ,
Tell us your story, I guarantee with your knowledge that I am a loan officer you couldn’t possible feel as tricked and embarrassed as I do !! Furthermore now after dozens of letters and complaints To Banking Division , I am now in Bankruptcy court. But it turns out I am not doomed to Bankruptcy court and have found that in challenging them that they have to show some answers !! But the truth is we all could most likely succeed in some way if we were allowed to share our stories to a judge as a group. So that’s my story.. What’s yours?
Submit, come one come all. !!!!!
Tell your Story about Tribeca and Franklin Credit Management.
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